blue lighted towers during nighttime

What We Do.

Orgon Bank offers a comprehensive range of services including a diverse investment catalog, customized investment scouting, and in-depth due diligence and analysis. We provide tailored investment opportunities across various sectors, identify and evaluate potential investments using local expertise and professional analysis, and conduct thorough due diligence to ensure informed decision-making.

Investment Catalog

Orgon Bank offers a diverse investment catalog that includes quantitative hedge funds & CTAs, real estate developments, emerging private equity, venture capital, operating real estate, infrastructure, venture studios, private credit or startups. All of our investments include deep quantiative and qualitative due diligence.

a glass jar filled with coins and a plant
a glass jar filled with coins and a plant
Investment Scouting

Our Customized Investment Scouting service leverages local expertise and professional analysis to find your desired investments in private equity, venture capital, real estate, quantitative strategies, and other alternatives. We handle financial modeling, financial statements analysis, and qualitative assessments to identify the best opportunities for you.

Our Deep Due Diligence service includes comprehensive memorandums with detailed financial statements analysis and financial modeling. We prepare cap tables, executive summaries, and presentation decks, and conduct thorough due diligence on stakeholders. This service also provides valuation reports and background checks to ensure informed investment decisions.

Deep Quantitative Due Diligence
worm view photo of brown building during daytime
worm view photo of brown building during daytime
person using MacBook Pro
person using MacBook Pro