Nuevas oportunidades para Fondos de Capital Riesgo y Privado
Recibe Oportunidades de Inversión Alternativa.
Orgon Bank provee oportunidades de Inversión Alternativa a inversores institucionales. Simplificamos el proceso de búsqueda de operaciones y análisis cuantitativo, ahorrando a los equipos de analistas cientos de horas al proporcionarles acceso sin coste a una cartera de oportunidades cuantitativa y cualitativamente examinada. Si eres un fondo de Capital Privado o Riesgo, contáctanos. Tenemos las oportunidades que buscas.
Nuestros Clientes
Firmas de Capital Riesgo
Firmas de Capital Privado
Family Offices
Ir a Catálogo
Fondos de Cobertura
CompañÃas Privadas
Fondos Inmobiliarios
Fondos de Capital Privado
MetodologÃa de Análisis de Inversión.
Nos adherimos a los métodos de análisis cuantitativo y a las normas profesionales establecidas por las principales organizaciones de inversión, como la Asociación CAIA, el Instituto CFA y el Corporate Finance Institute. Independientemente de lo ilÃquido o poco convencional que pueda ser un vehÃculo de inversión, Orgon Bank se compromete a ofrecer la profesionalidad y el riguroso enfoque cuantitativo que cada inversión merece.
The CAIA Association
La principal autoridad mundial en formación sobre inversiones alternativas. La Asociación CAIA establece los más altos estándares para los profesionales de los sectores de fondos de cobertura, capital privado, activos reales y materias primas, ofreciendo una distinguida credencial que significa dominio en estas complejas clases de activos.
The CFA Institute
Reconocido como el pináculo de la excelencia en la industria de la gestión de inversiones, el CFA Institute es el estándar de oro para los profesionales financieros de todo el mundo. Su designación CFA es reconocida mundialmente como una marca de experiencia sin igual, compromiso ético y excelencia profesional en los campos del análisis financiero y la toma de decisiones de inversión.
CFI, el principal proveedor de formación financiera en lÃnea, ofrece programas de certificación de élite en modelización financiera, valoración y finanzas corporativas. Conocido por su rigurosa formación y enfoque práctico, CFI capacita a los profesionales de las finanzas para lograr un rendimiento de primer nivel y el reconocimiento en el competitivo mundo de las finanzas corporativas.
Corporate Finance Institute
International Limited Partners Association
La ILPA, defensora de los intereses de los socios comanditarios del capital riesgo, representa los intereses de los inversores más influyentes a escala mundial. Es la voz autorizada en materia de mejores prácticas, educación y colaboración, y promueve los más altos estándares dentro de la comunidad de capital privado.
CMT Association
La Asociación CMT, institución lÃder en análisis técnico, ofrece la credencial más respetada para los profesionales especializados en analizar las tendencias del mercado y el comportamiento de los precios. Centrada en los datos empÃricos y la psicologÃa del mercado, es la asociación a la que acuden quienes desean destacar en el análisis técnico de los mercados.
The Power MBA, la plataforma de formación empresarial más innovadora y accesible, redefine la forma de impartir conocimientos empresariales. Con ideas de los principales lÃderes empresariales y emprendedores mundiales, ofrece una experiencia de aprendizaje flexible y de primera clase que dota a los profesionales de las habilidades y estrategias necesarias para sobresalir en el vertiginoso entorno empresarial actual.
The Power MBA
SuscrÃbete a los Canales de Operaciones
CompañÃas privadas
Fondos de cobertura y CTAs
Fondos Inmobiliarios
Profesionalizamos las Inversiones Alternativas
Orgon Bank ofrece el flujo de operaciones esencial que los institucionales necesitan para crear programas de inversión centrados en la consecución de fuertes rentabilidades absolutas ajustadas al riesgo. Atendemos a una amplia gama de inversores, incluidos los de crédito privado, capital riesgo, fondos de cobertura, inmobiliarias, activos reales, boutiques de fusiones y adquisiciones, startups, infraestructuras y propiedad intelectual.
Recibe Operaciones Cada Semana
Empresas de mediana, baja y gran capitalización bursátil (capital y/o deuda).
Fondos cerrados (private equity, private credit y real assets funds).
Activos pre-lÃquidos (SPACs, IPOs, Direct Listings...).
Fondos de cobertura cuantitativos y CTAs.
Análisis de Grado Institucional
Todos nuestros memorandos de inversión incluyen exhaustivos modelos financieros a cinco años, análisis en profundidad de los estados financieros, detalladas tablas de capitalización, planes de negocio de nivel MBA, resúmenes ejecutivos, informes de valoración y una minuciosa diligencia sobre todos los participantes ejecutivos y no ejecutivos.
Ayudamos a estructurar las operaciones aprovechando las últimas innovaciones de la banca de inversión y las estrategias de ingenierÃa financiera para garantizar la profesionalidad y la precisión. Nuestro enfoque garantiza la alineación de los inversores mediante rigurosos análisis empÃricos y teóricos.
Estructuración y Afinidad
Investment Catalog
Quantitative Hedge Funds & CTAs
New Urban Development
Operational Real Estate
Physical Commodity Production
Mid-market M&A
Private credit
Private equity
Venture capital
Movie & Cultural Production
Intellectual property
Other private deals
Save thousands of hours. Ensure quantitative professionalism. Access local know-how.
We assist institutional investors in saving thousands of hours on investment scouting and analysis, expediting the investment and divestiture process. Our services ensure quantitative and legal expertise, providing access to investment opportunities that only local knowledge can offer.
Strong due diligence
All of our investment memorandums include 5 years financial modeling, deep financial statements analysis, capitalization tables, MBA-level business plans, executive summaries, valuation reports, and due diligence on all executive and non-executive stakeholders.
Capital introductions & investor affinity
After expressing interest, we connect you with the managing team of the investment pools, ensure affinity, and mediate the deal on your behalf. We are the middle ground that will always bring honesty and professionalism to each deal.
When the divestiture moment arrives, we introduce your investment to our pool of private investors.
Orgon Bank offers a comprehensive range of services including a diverse investment catalog, customized investment scouting, and in-depth due diligence and analysis. We provide tailored investment opportunities across various sectors, identify and evaluate potential investments using local expertise and professional analysis, and conduct thorough due diligence to ensure informed decision-making.
Investment Catalog
Orgon Bank offers a diverse investment catalog that includes quantitative hedge funds & CTAs, real estate developments, emerging private equity, venture capital, operating real estate, infrastructure, venture studios, private credit or startups. All of our investments include deep quantiative and qualitative due diligence.
Investment Scouting
Our Customized Investment Scouting service leverages local expertise and professional analysis to find your desired investments in private equity, venture capital, real estate, quantitative strategies, and other alternatives. We handle financial modeling, financial statements analysis, and qualitative assessments to identify the best opportunities for you.
Our Deep Due Diligence service includes comprehensive memorandums with detailed financial statements analysis and financial modeling. We prepare cap tables, executive summaries, and presentation decks, and conduct thorough due diligence on stakeholders. This service also provides valuation reports and background checks to ensure informed investment decisions.
Investment Due Diligence
Benefits to the institutional investor
We focus on crisis-alpha, emerging and cashflow-rich investment thesis.
Professional investment analysis
Institutional-grade due diligence is thorough analysis conducted by professional investors to assess investment opportunities for transparency, reliability, and risk management, meeting high institutional standards.
Crisis-alpha investment opportunities
Crisis-alpha investments are strategies or assets that aim to perform well during market downturns or crises, providing diversification and potential returns when traditional investments falter. Examples include defensive stocks, gold, volatility trading, and distressed debt.
The global landscape encompasses worldwide economic, political, social, and environmental conditions that impact industries, markets, and economies. It involves understanding international trends, challenges, and opportunities to navigate global markets effectively.
Global landscape
Benefits to the investment provider
Provide a general summary of the services you provide, highlighting key features and benefits for potential clients.
Investment readiness documentation.
Investment readiness documentation comprises essential materials crafted by businesses or projects aiming to secure investment. These documents, such as business plans, financial statements, market analyses, and operational strategies, are meticulously prepared to provide potential investors with a comprehensive understanding of the opportunity.
Capital introductions & investor compatibility.
Capital introductions involve facilitating connections between businesses seeking funding and suitable investors. This process ensures alignment between the financial capabilities and strategic objectives of the business and the investment preferences and risk profiles of potential investors.
A success-only fee is a compensation model where service providers, such as advisors or consultants, receive payment only upon achieving a predefined successful outcome, typically securing an investment or completing a transaction.
Success-only fee.
Why Orgon Bank
Some investment teams may wonder about the differences between collaborating with us and traditional High Street investment banks. Our transparent fees and ethical practices avoid the conflicts of interest common in many banks. We only handle investments we believe in, based on megatrends, disruptive industries, capital growth, cash flow, recession-proof opportunities, and divestiture potential.
Strong principles
Transparency, a systematic mindset, and long-term thinking are our core principles. You can thoroughly explore our deals and our organization to ensure the highest levels of compliance and professionalism.
Low market deals
Because we are not a multi-billion dollar investment bank, we offer our investors deal flow, local expertise, and easy access to opportunities that large banks may overlook.
We only handle private placements in alternative investments. Since our offerings exclude sales trading, follow-on offerings, IPOs, and M&As, working with us is significantly simpler.
Investment Areas & Thesis.
Achieving alpha through alternatives should be the norm, not the exception. Our investors seek more. We facilitate futuristic, recession-proof, and impact investments that not only strengthen balance sheets but also create a lasting legacy.
Urban development
In the coming decades, hundreds of millions of people will become expatriates, settling in Emerging Markets. Real estate developers will play a crucial role in providing high-end, sustainable infrastructure for these individuals and families. We facilitate investments in residential and tourism real estate development across Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Venture studios
Venture studios represent the future of venture capital, accelerators, and incubators. With potential IRRs exceeding 30%, holding preferred equity in venture studios provides exposure to numerous innovative ventures led by a team of seasoned entrepreneurs.
Quant firms & CTAs
If there's an investment vehicle that has outperformed traditional buy-side firms for over 50 years, it's quantitative firms, particularly systematic CTAs. Using only low-frequency trading models and without lock-up periods, algorithmic asset management offers recession-proof alpha to diversify your portfolio definitively.
Impact private equity
One investment strategy that has consistently outpaced traditional private equity firms is impact private equity. Centered on investments that deliver positive social and environmental outcomes alongside financial returns, impact private equity provides a compelling opportunity to diversify your portfolio with sustainable and impactful ventures.
Venture capital
Venture capital remains a leading investment strategy that consistently outperforms traditional investment vehicles. By backing early-stage companies with high growth potential, venture capital offers the opportunity to participate in groundbreaking innovations and disruptive technologies, aiming for substantial returns on investment.
Startups represent a dynamic sector where innovation thrives and new ideas come to fruition. Investing in startups provides the chance to support pioneering entrepreneurs and groundbreaking technologies at their inception. It's a pathway to potentially high returns and the opportunity to be part of shaping the future economy.
Provide a short summary of your recent projects, highlighting the most important things.
Kedungu Real Estate Fund
This project aims to develop a user-friendly mobile application that enhances productivity and organization. Through intuitive design and seamless functionality, users can efficiently manage tasks, set reminders, and collaborate with team members.
Nuanu Eco City
This project aims to develop a user-friendly mobile application that enhances productivity and organization. Through intuitive design and seamless functionality, users can efficiently manage tasks, set reminders, and collaborate with team members.
Trend-following CTAs
This project aims to develop a user-friendly mobile application that enhances productivity and organization. Through intuitive design and seamless functionality, users can efficiently manage tasks, set reminders, and collaborate with team members.
Singaraja Airport
This project aims to develop a user-friendly mobile application that enhances productivity and organization. Through intuitive design and seamless functionality, users can efficiently manage tasks, set reminders, and collaborate with team members.
Indonesian impact firms
This project aims to develop a user-friendly mobile application that enhances productivity and organization. Through intuitive design and seamless functionality, users can efficiently manage tasks, set reminders, and collaborate with team members.
Diverse startups
This project aims to develop a user-friendly mobile application that enhances productivity and organization. Through intuitive design and seamless functionality, users can efficiently manage tasks, set reminders, and collaborate with team members.
Contact us
128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom
+44 384 221473 /
Orgon Systems SWF LTD, a British holding entity registered under number 15145224, is located at 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom. Orgon Systems SWF LTD, employing the brand Orgon Bank, has two business verticals: alternative investments intermediation and technology venture building.
Through our Boutique Investment Banking vertical, Orgon does not offer investment management, financial advisory, or financial intermediation services and does not hold client funds. We operate solely as an placement agency that connects corporate structures with investment opportunities through capital introductions.
In our Venture Factory vertical, we focus on creating and nurturing innovative ventures solely for the benefit of our shareholders. We do not launch businesses for external corporate clients.
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